Chathumi Thumbovila
2 min readOct 13, 2021


2 am Thoughts

“Every life is touched by a god at least once. If someone nudged you back in the right direction, just when you were drifting away from the world, that is the moment, a god stayed by your side.” – Guardian: The Lonely and Great God

I think life, is a beautiful thing. Even if nothing else, we’re still here under a beautiful sky, standing on a beautiful earth, meeting other beautiful souls while we’re at it. Not everything is right. Things can feel wrong. And we maybe sad at times, but we do have our happy moments. Regardless, of how unfortunate we think we may be, we still do for sure, have good moments. Moments for which we’re thankful.

We may have met people that have made us happy. Have told us things that made us happy. Have shared with us, moments that made us happy. Among all the sad and terrible moments, where we wish our lives were different, the good moments have been there too. Maybe those are the moments, that makes life worth living.

And maybe, just maybe if we could, try and accept ourselves wholly, for every peculiar and strange part of us, instead of worrying so much about what will make us fit in, life might just get a little easier. Because at the end of the day, even with all the people you’ll meet and love, you will matter the most to you.

If you’ve read this far, I hope you find reasons to stay happy, even when life doesn’t seem so fair ✨



Chathumi Thumbovila

I’m a Graduate in Chemical and Process Engineering from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I’m a passionate reader, traveler and a Public Speaker :)