The here and the Now

Chathumi Thumbovila
3 min readAug 19, 2021
Photo by Allyson Beaucourt on Unsplash

I like my life to be slow paced. A perfect day for me would be waking up without 500 alarms snoozing, and being able to spend the day reading, playing with the cats and either cooking or baking something I like. However, days like this are really turning out to be only a luxury that I don’t seem to be able to afford anymore. And although, this is stating the obvious, nobody but I have brought this upon myself. Throughout the months on May, June and July continuing on to the present day in August, I have had my days filled with all sorts of work related to university, internships and what not. It was fast paced, and the fact that I was supposed to be fast paced while sitting at home, at the place where I want my life to be slow paced, was the most difficult part to deal with. I know this is probably the case for most of us. Almost everyone I speak to seems to be overwhelmed with the amount of things they are supposed to get done.

On top of all of these, the past one or two weeks have been specially difficult, with all the disturbing news that we have been flooded with. Social media sites, that usually made me smile was overflowing with people around the world and within the country being miserable and scared. People letting out their frustrations in various ways on to these platforms just like me. This surely must have affected many people. It is natural to be and it is important to acknowledge the negative effect its having on us and address and be aware of its consequences. So, I looked for ways desperately to figure out, how I can get things to slow down and ensure I am not affected as badly by everything going on. I do not know which of these will work, but I’m going to pen them here anyway.

First, would be to accept, that things are as they are and that they are having a negative effect. Some of these issues going on around us, we really have little control over. I think we just need to accept that. However, although we cannot control how things are sometimes, we can choose to control, how they affect us.

Second, would be to prioritize. What do I want most? To get everything done somehow, even if it means I’m going to just feel bad throughout it, or compromise on some of these work I am supposed to be doing, in order to avoid living a positively dreadful life. Definitely, the latter. Another thing to prioritize on would be all the news/information that we let into our minds. It’s important to know that the situation is bad, but I do think we could all do without knowing 50 stories of different worst case scenarios going around. So, control what you see and what you don’t.

Third, would be to live in the now. Sometimes it is not easy to make sure everything that happens tomorrow, goes according to our plans. But, today and right now is as important and worthy as any of our tomorrows. We are standing on the earth with the sky above us right now, and with all our first world to third world issues in our heads, this moment is still precious. And it would only be right to acknowledge it and appreciate it.

So, we could take it slow. Regardless of what we are going through, all the crazy things affecting us and the large piles of “work” we are supposed to get done, the fact that you and I are here, right now should be the most important thing. The least we deserve for making it so far is some kindness to ourselves, to let go of some things that weigh us down and take it slow, so we can fully appreciate the here and the now ❤



Chathumi Thumbovila

I’m a Graduate in Chemical and Process Engineering from University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I’m a passionate reader, traveler and a Public Speaker :)